Monday, September 17, 2012

Avert thine gaze

Ugh, not a fan of doing this.  I'd rather just pretend I've got a set of six-pack abs that'll blow your mind under my shirt, but, alas, I'm confined to the real world:

OK, so this is me as of now: 6'5", 224lbs.  Like I said in my last post, I've got 40 days to lose 9lbs.  Certainly not an impossible task.  I've got just a few simple adjustments that I'm making to my lifestyle that should help this along nicely:

  1. Diet - Nothing ground-breaking, just the obvious stuff.
    • Water - I barely drink any, so what I add will be a huge increase.  I'm shooting for about 4 cupfuls a day at work, which should be right in that 64oz ballpark.
    • Sodas - I drink way too many of these & need to cut back.  There's no way I'm cutting them completely out (Mountain Dew is my lifeblood and there's no way you're taking my Jack & Coke away from me), but it's now just a reward: if I do well during the day, I get a small glass with dinner.
    • Junk food - gone save for cheat days (which will prolly be Saturdays), and even then only in moderation.  For awhile, I had been eating so clean that McDonald's tore me up something fierce because it was all just grease.  Need to get back to that.
    • Meals - Chicken, fish, turkey, whole grains, veggies.  Lunch will be a little more difficult at work, so I may just resort to lunch meat sandwiches.  Not the best, I know, but still a vast improvement over Five Guys/Wendys/Taco Bell/etc.  Breakfast will be Honey Nut Cheerios & eggs instead of Bacon Egg Cheese Croisandwiches & a Dr. Pepper for BK.
  2. Exercise - Again, nothing shocking.
    • Actually do something - That pretty much sums it up.  I'm starting small for now: roll out of bed, do 10 push up, 10 burpees, 10 squats & ten [insert ab exercise here].  Also, we've put up a Total Gym pull-up bar in the doorway to the kitchen & the house rule is that you gotta pay a 2 pull-ups toll every time you go in.  Should get me to at least 10 in a day.
So that's that.  It's all simple, obvious stuff that I should have been doing all along.  Until then, see y'all around the intra-webs.

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